
John Yeager

John Yeager is a 17-time Emmy Award-winner, media content strategist and developer, documentary producer, media affairs blogger, podcast producer, videographer, photographer and lifelong Green Bay Packers fan and owner.

Currently, he is the Senior Media Content Strategist at Seattle-based nonprofit Bloodworks Northwest supplying blood and blood products to more than 90 hospitals across the Pacific Northwest. He works with local, regional and national media every day. He also excels in that work, having won a Totem Award for Excellence in Media Relations in 2017 and 2018.

John worked as a news reporter at KXLY TV4 (ABC Spokane), KIRO7 (CBS Seattle) and KCPQ Q13 Reports (Fox Seattle). Then he accepted an offer to work for the international nonprofit World Vision as Media Relations Director.

John a 21st Century digital storyteller, comfortable with a camera on my shoulder, a microphone in my hand or my fingers on the keyboard of my MacBook Pro. He has a master’s degree in digital media and twenty years’ experience as an Emmy-Award-winning TV journalist. John is experienced with all aspects of today's digital storytelling making storytelling his life's work

Every story has a beginning, a middle an end and most important - a surprise. John has covered everything from WTO riots in the streets of Seattle, to mountain climbers at Base Camp of Mount Everest. He has followed a peacemaker to The West Bank, a Lost Boy to the 2012 London Olympics, an entrepreneur to the slums of Nairobi and an AIDS activist to a village of Zambia. John has interviewed everyone from Nelson Mandela to Bill Clinton to Alex Rodriguez. He has traveled everywhere from Pakistan to Pasco, in search of the story!